Saturday, 2 May 2009

Feeling more positive again!!

CD 7 Month 5 on Clomid

I am feeling a lot more positive then I was. I have to get on with it and dust myself down and start again. I am trying to completely relax about everything this month and not stress which I know will be hard but I have to try to do so.

I probably won't do ov tests this month and will try and just go with the flow and babydance lots!! I seem to get really bad ov pains so I guess I will still know when. I am also going to try not to test until AF is actually late to try and avoid the heartache of April.

We are going for it hammer and tongue this month lol. I suppose this month will be our best shot at it really as the kids will be in school during the week so I have dh all to myself and he will only be working weekends til the end of May when he starts doing 7 days a week so he will be more tired then. So far so good anyway even though its early on in the cycle!!

Thanks for your comments Bridget and Emma on my last post. It did cross my mind that it could be OHSS or something to do with cysts on my ovary perhaps. I drank plenty of water to try and flush it out and rested as much as possible but was a bit worried about going to the doctors in case he took me off the clomid.

I feel much better now. The pain on the first day was the worst but it did start to ease off and after about 4 days it had gone completely thankfully.

I think if nothing happens this cycle than I will ask my doctor if I could be scanned as I have never had a scan to check my ovaries and possibly the pain I get could be due to a cyst twisting perhaps. I remember when I had an early scan when I was pregnant with Ellie they mentioned something about seeing a fibroid but that has never been followed up so I might see if he will send me for a scan.

I had another blood test done at the doctors on Thursday to check my iron levels again. The good news is I haven't heard from them yet which is good as me and the receptionist were beginning to get on first name terms lol. I hope I can stop these Iron Tablets soon as I hate them and their lovely side effects.

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