Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Very Strange Call from my Doctors Surgery Today!!

CD 8

I had a very strange phone call from one of the receptionists at my doctors surgery and she introduced herself and then said to me 'Are you pregnant?' I replied no and she said 'Are you sure?' I said 'well I don't think I am as I had a period last week' She then asked if I'd done a test which I had a day or two before I was due on and that was negative!

I asked why as she kept asking if there was any way I could be pregnant and she said it was just because my iron levels were so low. I'm wondering now though if there is more to it than that though. Yesterday I went for a Haematinic Screen Blood Test and was told to expect the results in a week or so but then I got this phone call.

The doctor has given me a prescription for more iron tablets today (picked them up and there were 100 of them - I still got about 60 left from the hospital too) and have another blood test done in 2 weeks to check my iron levels again. Hopefully they should have improved by then as I am terrible at taking tablets. I really struggle to swallow them and end up flapping my hands about in front of my face to help them go down. Thankfully they are only small tablets so its not too bad. I remember I had some huge ones once and the only way I could swallow them was on a spoon mixed in with jam and even that wasn't always successful lol!!

I will be very glad when I can stop the iron tablets though as I hate the side effects. Not nice!! I've been very good at taking them and also my clomid. Usually when I get prescribed tablets I am always forgetting to take them but have done ok with both of these so far!! I am starting to feel a little better in myself and not quite so tired and feel I have a little more energy and have been able to stay awake til 11pm at night which is much more productive for babymaking!! Also not been getting up til 8.30am so thats much improved on the 7am I seemed to be waking up before the clocks went forward (or backwards was it? - I always get them mixed up!!) Long may it continue.

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