Baby was rather curled up so I ended up being tilted with my head downwards and feet up as the sonographer tried to coax baby into moving. Apparantly it has lots of space to play in but it seems to like this little pocket it was in and wasn't going to budge. Baby did move their arms and legs a little whilst I was having the scan but no big movements.
They couldn't get all the measurements and checks they wanted done as baby was in an awkward position so I have to go back for another scan 2 weeks on Friday when I'll be 23 weeks. They need to check the Spine, Renal and Arms. I'm not worried too much about it as she said from what she could see everything looks fine but they need to check these things and baby wasn't co-operating so I have to go back which is fine by me as I get a chance to see bubba again.
There was no chance of being able to tell what sex the baby was because of the position it was in but as long as they are healthy that is the most important thing.
Hopefully baby will be in a better position at the next scan so they can get all the measurements.
They have a big tummy though as on the stomach chart in my notes she's put a cross above the highest line on my chart for my gestation. I think its a centile chart and if so baby is above the highest centile so looks like this one's going to be a big baby too.
I got 3 scan pictures anyway which I shall add now.

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