I have been so tired since having our scan I really feel as if all my energy has drained away.
I am also having moments of illogical thoughts where I start worrying that there maybe something wrong with bubba. We love himher so much already and I really hope everything is ok at my next scan in 2 weeks time.
My logical side tells me it was just because baby was in a bad position and that if they suspected a problem we would be going back for another scan sooner.
I haven't been sleeping great since. I think if I felt bigger movements or had seen baby move more on the scan I would feel happier.
I did feel 2 nice kicks last night in the area where bubba was for the scan and they were the biggest I had felt so far. Then bubs went quiet again. I really hope they start moving lots soon and doing somersaults as it will reassure me a lot that everything is ok.
I need to think positively I think as its doing me no good at all thinking about possible problems. I just want to know that everything is ok though.
I took a bump picture yesterday so here it is:
Me at 20+6

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