I'm feeling much less tired now than my last entry and also more positive about everything as I've suddenly started feeling more movement and bigger kicks.
Ellie felt himher kick for the first time last night and the look on her face was a picture, one of shock followed by excitement. We were upstairs in our bed so ran downstairs to dh and of course baby stopped right away lol.
Hopefully dh and Josh will feel himher this week too. I'm getting some nice kicks now as I type but I can guarantee that by the time I got upstairs and back into bed with dh they would have stopped lol.
I'm off to the Next 2 day sale to have a look once I've took dh to work. I was really hoping that I would know what we were having by now so I could buy something for himher but we don't. I am about 80% certain now that we're having a boy and will be quite shocked I think if at the scan it turns out we are having a girl. I'll still be over the moon though as I don't mind what we have I would just quite like to find out so I can call himher by their proper name which at the moment stand at Poppy or Toby. I really like Suzy for a girl too but no one else does and I know I would hate it if people shortened it to Sue (no offence to any Sue's).
Had a bit of a nightmare day yesterday. Josh has had a cough and a cold for the last few days and it went to his chest setting his asthma off so I took him off to the Walk In Centre hoping to avoid the need to go to hospital. They gave him a nebulizer which helped a little but his Oxygen Sats were still very low so we ended up being sent off to hospital in an ambulance. We had to wait ages to see a doctor who eventually just prescribed him some steroids and told me to give him 10 puffs of his puffer.
He was still quite wheezy when we came home but seemed a bit better when he sat still. Had better go and wake him soon to give him his steroid drink before I drop him off with my dad whilst I take dh to work and me, my mum and Ellie go to Next.
I really hope this baby doesn't have asthma as I hate watching Josh struggling for breath. I think I will make an appointment to have his inhalers reviewed as once he gets a bad do his inhalers are useless and it ends up with him on a nebulizer.
Right better go and see how he is and wake the others up.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Friday, 25 September 2009
22 Weeks Pregnant

You are now 22 weeks pregnant (or in your 23rd week if that's how you prefer to count it).
The baby now weighs almost 430g, measures about 27.8cm long from crown to heel, and is proportioned like a newborn, albeit a thinner version since her baby fat hasn't yet developed.
Although she's getting heavier every day, her skin still appears wrinkled and translucent because she needs to gain more weight. Her lips are distinct and her eyes are formed, though the the coloured part (the iris) still lacks pigment. The pancreas, essential in the production of hormones, is developing steadily.
Even this early, the first signs of teeth appear in the form of tooth buds beneath her gum line. Before you know it, your baby will be born, and soon after, her first teeth will come through.
At this point, you'll probably notice a steady gain in weight - about 225g/half a pound each week. You may also notice that your appetite's increasing. It's okay to give in to an occasional yearning for ice cream, but try to find a healthy substitute if you constantly long for junk food.
Sometimes it's difficult to look much beyond the birth but it's worth finding out about babies before you hold your own. For example, you may be surprised at what a newborn looks like or you may need a crash course in changing nappies.
You may have noticed some changes down below. It's common in pregnancy to have an increased vaginal discharge as the result of increased blood flow in that part of the body. Needing to go to the loo a lot is another side-effect of pregnancy but don't forget that you are also more susceptible to urinary tract infections too - see your GP or midwife if you suspect a bout of cystitis. You may also experience bleeding from the back passage, particularly if you have developed haemorrhoids.
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Where has my energy gone?
I am so tired at the moment. For about the last week I feel as though my energy has completely deserted me.
I am getting increasingly worried about our next scan on Friday 2nd October. Hopefully the baby will have moved into a better position so they can get the measurements and checks done that they need. Dh is worried and that is making me even more worried as he normally doesn't let anything bother him.
What's worrying me the most is I haven't felt any big movements at all with this baby and I was feeling lots of movements when I was this stage with dd. I am feeling a couple of small kicks a day over the last few days but yesterday I didn't feel anything.
I hope they move today and I feel something. I will be doing my best to relax this afternoon and have a lie down as that's usually when I feel them but last night I got nothing.
I worry what will happen if we go for the scan and baby is in the same position. At the moment I think it is. What will happen then. Will they just keep sending me for scans til they get what they want. I need the reassurance too that everything is ok. Even if there is a problem I would rather know so we can prepare ourselves to deal with it.
Himher (our nickname for the baby) I really hope you are ok in there. Mummy and daddy love you so much already and want you to grow big and strong. Mummy would love it if you could give some bigger kicks from time to time. Love you xxxx
I am so tired at the moment. For about the last week I feel as though my energy has completely deserted me.
I am getting increasingly worried about our next scan on Friday 2nd October. Hopefully the baby will have moved into a better position so they can get the measurements and checks done that they need. Dh is worried and that is making me even more worried as he normally doesn't let anything bother him.
What's worrying me the most is I haven't felt any big movements at all with this baby and I was feeling lots of movements when I was this stage with dd. I am feeling a couple of small kicks a day over the last few days but yesterday I didn't feel anything.
I hope they move today and I feel something. I will be doing my best to relax this afternoon and have a lie down as that's usually when I feel them but last night I got nothing.
I worry what will happen if we go for the scan and baby is in the same position. At the moment I think it is. What will happen then. Will they just keep sending me for scans til they get what they want. I need the reassurance too that everything is ok. Even if there is a problem I would rather know so we can prepare ourselves to deal with it.
Himher (our nickname for the baby) I really hope you are ok in there. Mummy and daddy love you so much already and want you to grow big and strong. Mummy would love it if you could give some bigger kicks from time to time. Love you xxxx
Friday, 18 September 2009
21 Weeks Today
21 weeks today!!
I have been so tired since having our scan I really feel as if all my energy has drained away.
I am also having moments of illogical thoughts where I start worrying that there maybe something wrong with bubba. We love himher so much already and I really hope everything is ok at my next scan in 2 weeks time.
My logical side tells me it was just because baby was in a bad position and that if they suspected a problem we would be going back for another scan sooner.
I haven't been sleeping great since. I think if I felt bigger movements or had seen baby move more on the scan I would feel happier.
I did feel 2 nice kicks last night in the area where bubba was for the scan and they were the biggest I had felt so far. Then bubs went quiet again. I really hope they start moving lots soon and doing somersaults as it will reassure me a lot that everything is ok.
I need to think positively I think as its doing me no good at all thinking about possible problems. I just want to know that everything is ok though.
I took a bump picture yesterday so here it is:
Me at 20+6
I have been so tired since having our scan I really feel as if all my energy has drained away.
I am also having moments of illogical thoughts where I start worrying that there maybe something wrong with bubba. We love himher so much already and I really hope everything is ok at my next scan in 2 weeks time.
My logical side tells me it was just because baby was in a bad position and that if they suspected a problem we would be going back for another scan sooner.
I haven't been sleeping great since. I think if I felt bigger movements or had seen baby move more on the scan I would feel happier.
I did feel 2 nice kicks last night in the area where bubba was for the scan and they were the biggest I had felt so far. Then bubs went quiet again. I really hope they start moving lots soon and doing somersaults as it will reassure me a lot that everything is ok.
I need to think positively I think as its doing me no good at all thinking about possible problems. I just want to know that everything is ok though.
I took a bump picture yesterday so here it is:
Me at 20+6

21 Weeks

You are now 21 weeks pregnant (or in your 22nd week if that's how you prefer to count it).
Your baby now weighs about 360g. Up until now he has been measured from crown to rump but from this point on the measurement will be from crown to heel – and this week he is about 26.7cm long. Your baby’s eyebrows and eyelids are fully developed, and he can now blink. If you’re having a boy, testes will descend from the pelvis into the scrotum in the coming weeks.
Your baby can now hear your conversations. If you talk, read, or sing to your baby, expect him to hear you. Some studies have found that newborns will suck more vigorously when read to from a book they heard frequently in the uterus (womb). If you want to try, pick a book now and read it out loud. Make sure you won't mind reading it over and over once your baby is here. It may be your baby's favourite bedtime story for a long time after birth.
You're probably feeling quite comfortable these days. This, in fact, may be the most enjoyable time in your pregnancy. You're not too big yet, and the usual aches and pains associated with pregnancy like nausea, frequent urination, and fatigue are for the most part gone. Relax and enjoy it while you can. The third trimester is just around the corner and with it comes mild discomfort from carrying a baby that is nearly full-term.
It's hard to be graceful when you're pregnant so don't be surprised if you find yourself getting more clumsy these days. You're carrying more weight, your centre of gravity has changed with your growing uterus, and your fingers, toes, and other joints are all loosening, thanks to the effect of pregnancy hormones. Try to watch where you're going, and if you haven't already done so, say goodbye to high heels. They make keeping your balance more difficult, and can cause backaches.
Just how much weight you will gain by the end of pregnancy may be preying on your mind. Doctors are much more relaxed about weight gain in pregnancy now. Take the same approach and give yourself a break. It's also best not to worry immediately about losing weight after you've had your baby as your body can take anything from a few months to a year to recover nutrients used up during pregnancy.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Had my scan
I went for my scan and was so glad it was at 9am as I was really nervous but straight away we saw the baby and heartbeat which helped put me at ease.
Baby was rather curled up so I ended up being tilted with my head downwards and feet up as the sonographer tried to coax baby into moving. Apparantly it has lots of space to play in but it seems to like this little pocket it was in and wasn't going to budge. Baby did move their arms and legs a little whilst I was having the scan but no big movements.
They couldn't get all the measurements and checks they wanted done as baby was in an awkward position so I have to go back for another scan 2 weeks on Friday when I'll be 23 weeks. They need to check the Spine, Renal and Arms. I'm not worried too much about it as she said from what she could see everything looks fine but they need to check these things and baby wasn't co-operating so I have to go back which is fine by me as I get a chance to see bubba again.
There was no chance of being able to tell what sex the baby was because of the position it was in but as long as they are healthy that is the most important thing.
Hopefully baby will be in a better position at the next scan so they can get all the measurements.
They have a big tummy though as on the stomach chart in my notes she's put a cross above the highest line on my chart for my gestation. I think its a centile chart and if so baby is above the highest centile so looks like this one's going to be a big baby too.
I got 3 scan pictures anyway which I shall add now.

Baby was rather curled up so I ended up being tilted with my head downwards and feet up as the sonographer tried to coax baby into moving. Apparantly it has lots of space to play in but it seems to like this little pocket it was in and wasn't going to budge. Baby did move their arms and legs a little whilst I was having the scan but no big movements.
They couldn't get all the measurements and checks they wanted done as baby was in an awkward position so I have to go back for another scan 2 weeks on Friday when I'll be 23 weeks. They need to check the Spine, Renal and Arms. I'm not worried too much about it as she said from what she could see everything looks fine but they need to check these things and baby wasn't co-operating so I have to go back which is fine by me as I get a chance to see bubba again.
There was no chance of being able to tell what sex the baby was because of the position it was in but as long as they are healthy that is the most important thing.
Hopefully baby will be in a better position at the next scan so they can get all the measurements.
They have a big tummy though as on the stomach chart in my notes she's put a cross above the highest line on my chart for my gestation. I think its a centile chart and if so baby is above the highest centile so looks like this one's going to be a big baby too.
I got 3 scan pictures anyway which I shall add now.

Saturday, 12 September 2009
Half Way There!!
I have my 20 week scan on Wednesday and am really looking forward to it. I really hope everything is ok with the baby. I have been feeling what I think are proper kicks this week as opposed to rolls but they are still not as strong as I remember they were already when I was pregnant with Ellie.
I am trying not to let it worry me but it is a little and I will be very relieved to have my scan on Wednesday and know that our baby is ok. I also hope to find out if we have blue or pink bundle but more importantly I want to make sure our baby is ok. Only 4 more sleeps to go!!
I finally got the results of my triple test back and my downs result was 1 in 52,000 so that's excellant (I think at my age the risk is 1 in 800) and I'm also classed as low risk for Spina Bifida too. The result though had it been high would have made no difference to this pregnancy as this baby is so loved and wanted already but at least we could prepare ourselves if that was the case.
I am trying not to let it worry me but it is a little and I will be very relieved to have my scan on Wednesday and know that our baby is ok. I also hope to find out if we have blue or pink bundle but more importantly I want to make sure our baby is ok. Only 4 more sleeps to go!!
I finally got the results of my triple test back and my downs result was 1 in 52,000 so that's excellant (I think at my age the risk is 1 in 800) and I'm also classed as low risk for Spina Bifida too. The result though had it been high would have made no difference to this pregnancy as this baby is so loved and wanted already but at least we could prepare ourselves if that was the case.
Friday, 11 September 2009
20 Weeks Pregnant

You are now 20 weeks pregnant (or in your 21st week if that's how you prefer to count it).
Your baby measures about 16.5cm from crown to rump and is steadily gaining weight. A whitish coat of a slick, fatty substance called vernix caseosa begins to cover your baby, protecting her skin during its long immersion in amniotic fluid. It also eases delivery. Your baby's swallowing more this week, good practice for the digestive system. After your baby takes in amniotic fluid, her body absorbs the water in the liquid and moves the rest into the large bowel.
You may want to look into an antenatal class if you haven't done so already. Whether you are a first-time mum or want a refresher course, you will benefit from a structured class. No matter what the philosophy behind it, an antenatal class can help prepare you for the rigours of labour and birth. You should plan to have completed the classes by 37 weeks, when you'll be considered full-term and labour could start at any time.
Be extra vigilant about getting enough iron. Your baby needs it to make red blood cells, among other things. In fact, it's almost impossible for you to get too much from food alone without overeating. Iron-rich foods include lean red meat, poultry, fish, lentils, spinach, and iron-fortified cereals. See our eating well guide to round up everything you need to know.
Out of breath? Most women start to feel a bit like Thomas the Tank Engine, huffing and puffing up a short flight of stairs. Some breathlessness is normal and may get a little worse as your expanding uterus pushes up against your lungs, but tell your midwife if it gets out of hand. Also, make sure you're getting enough iron. Your baby needs it to make red blood cells, among other things. It's almost impossible to get too much from food alone, as long as you're not overeating. Iron-rich foods include lean red meat, poultry, fish, lentils, spinach, and iron-fortified cereals. Don't take supplements though, unless they're prescribed by your doctor.
Although pregnancy might sometimes feel like a one-woman show, it doesn't have to be that way. If your partner is going to be your labour partner, he'll want to know how he can help and how he can communicate your wishes to the professionals.
Friday, 4 September 2009
19 Weeks Pregnant

You are now 19 weeks pregnant (or in your 20th week if that's how you prefer to count it).
Congratulations - You're halfway there! The top of your uterus (womb) now reaches your belly button and will grow about a centimetre a week. Your baby measures about 14.2cm long from crown to rump and weighs about 240g.
She is swallowing amniotic fluid, and her kidneys continue to make urine. Hair on her scalp is sprouting too.
Sensory development reaches its peak this week. The nerve cells serving each of the senses – taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch – are developing in their specialised areas of the brain.
Nerve cell production slows down as existing nerve cells grow larger and make more complex connections. If you're carrying a baby girl, she already has roughly six million eggs in her ovaries. By the time she's born, she'll have about a million.
You may have felt the kicking and somersaulting of your growing baby. At times, you might find that she is so mobile that you can't sleep. The next 10 weeks or so will be your baby's busiest and most active time, until the uterus gets too crowded.
Your uterus has grown well into your abdomen - the top of it probably reaches your belly button. From now on it will grow at about a centimetre per week. You may also notice some aching in your lower abdomen. It's nothing to be alarmed about - it's just the stretching of your muscles and ligaments supporting your bump.
Many pregnant women worry that they won't be able to cope with the pain of labour and childbirth. Some women consider an elective caesarean to avoid the problem completely, but this isn't necessarily a good idea as the risks with a caesarean delivery are much higher than with a normal delivery and there will still be pain involved, albeit after the birth. There are many effective forms of pain relief available in maternity units. You could try some natural methods of pain relief first, including labouring in a birthing pool, which can help women cope with the pain of labour without any drugs at all. The more you find out about what is available or what you can try, the more in control you will feel and the less worried you will be.
Getting a good night's sleep when you're pregnant can be difficult, particularly if you have heartburn or indigestion. If that's the case then food will be the last thing on your mind, but some pregnant women wake up in the night with hunger pangs and have to have a midnight feast before they can get back to sleep. Another cause of disrupted nights may be your partner's elbow in your side because pregnancy can cause nasal congestion resulting in - yes, you guessed it - snoring.
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