Well, it seems like we won't be needing to buy much for this baby at all as my mum and auntie are going mad already buying stuff. My auntie is terrible and is buying stuff almost every day. I think the baby might have about 6 snowsuits now in 0-3 months lol!!
We went to a babyshop on Tuesday and there was a beautiful crib in there and I was trying to decide whether to buy it now or not. Anyway next thing I know my auntie had bought it for us. It is being delivered either tomorrow or Saturday. I can't wait!!
I didn't really want to have anything in the house just yet but my mum has so much stuff at hers that there really is no more room there lol!! I need to sort out our built-in wardrobe/cupboard so that it can go in there out of the way for now. I have to buy a crib set for it and I have fallen in love with the Babies R Us I Love My Bear crib set. It's beautiful so I'm looking forward to getting that.

It seems like every time I go to my parents there is more baby stuff waiting for us lol!! I will have to work out what I do need to buy but am waiting til my 20 week scan before I start doing lots of shopping.
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