I seem to have a huge bump already and am much bigger than I was with Josh and Ellie. I am heavier than I was at this stage in my pregnancies with them too but my stomach although rather like a jelly belly toward the bottom the top half has really come out whilst that was always much flatter.
Here's a couple of bump pics taken today at 13 +2.

I am certain too that I have been able to feel a foot or another part of the baby this last week too. I can't feel the baby kicking yet but I can feel a little tiny lump which when I go to put Ellie's hand on my tummy has disappeared and we find it somewhere else. Ellie especially loves it and is always kissing my tummy. She's so sweet and is going to be a great big sister and Josh will be a great big brother to the new baby too.
Names wise the only names we all agree on at the moment are Toby for a boy and Poppy for a girl. I also like:
Noah, Sebastian, Samuel, Zak, Max, Romeo, Todd, Reuben, Ronan, Oscar, Nathan, Kiefer, Leo, Jasper, Caspar.
Ruby, Maisie, Freya, Daisy, Seraphina, Scarlett, Matilda, Tilly, Gabriella, Athena, Annabelle, Amelia, Keziah (my nan's name).
We will wait and see anyway til after my 20 week scan on 16th September when we hope to find out what we are having then. Can't wait!! I have a consultant appointment on Tuesday morning so will find out hopefully if I had a post-partum haemorrage after Josh was born as I ended up needing a blood transfusion and also after Ellie was born I was severely anaemic so want to try and make sure this time round I can do my best to avoid becoming anaemic. Also I may get extra scans due to Josh and Ellie being big babies. I had late scans with Ellie and they said she'd be 8lb 7 - 9lbs maximum and she was 9lb 7oz.
Right had better go and tidy up so will finish with a picture of the hat and mittens set for a baby girl 0-3 months that I couldn't resist buying in the Next Sale.

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