You are now 14 weeks pregnant (or in your 15th week if that's how you prefer to count it).
Crown to rump, your baby is around 3 and a half inches / 9 centimetres long and weighs one and a half ounces / 43 grams. The body is now growing faster than the head. This week, its parchment-thin skin covers itself with lanugo (ultra-fine, downy hair that usually disappears before birth). Though eyebrows are beginning to grow and the hair on top of the head is sprouting, this hair may change in both texture and colour after birth.
About now, the fetus can grasp, squint, frown, and grimace. It may even be able to suck its thumb. Researchers believe these and other movements probably correspond to the development of impulses in the brain.
If you haven't yet made an appointment for maternal serum screening (also known as the triple test), you may want to do so now. The test provides more information about your baby, and screens for Down's syndrome and other birth defects. Also, your obstetrician may recommend an amniocentesis between 15 and 18 weeks for women over 35 and those with a history of birth defects. If you are over 35, have a look at our article on how age affects pregnancy.
You're probably feeling brighter and livelier than in the first three months and have put the early symptoms of pregnancy firmly behind you. Some unlucky women do find that the nausea drags on so if you are still being very sick, contact your GP or midwife for advice. Most women find the second three months the easiest stage of pregnancy when sleep is sounder and your bump isn't too big to impede your movements. Make the most of these energetic middle months to enjoy activities such as swimming, walking and low-impact aerobics.
It's also a good time to sort out practicalities with your partner, discussing your maternity leave and thinking about childcare, if you intend to return to work after your baby is born.
Friday, 31 July 2009
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Saw my consultant yesterday!!
I had my consultant appointment yesterday. It was very strange. Obviously didn't see actual consultant but one of his registrars. She said that I would have to see the Anaesthetist. Apparantly as my BMI is high I am an anasethetic risk. I never had any need for an anaesthetist with my other 2 pregnancies. Both were normal deliveries with just gas and air and as they were both fast deliveries am expecting this one to just shoot out lol!! I could understand towards the end if baby was breach or I needed a planned c-section but otherwise can't see the point. I never had to with my other 2!!
Also have been told that for the first 6 weeks after the baby is born I have to have injections to thin the blood. I never had to do this after my other 2 were born!!
And I have to continue taking Folic Acid 5mg and Vitamin D 10mcg daily for the rest of the pregnancy. I never did this with my other 2 either.
Apparantly it is all new 'protocol' but to me it just seems like such a huge waste of NHS resources.
I know I am overweight but I was when I had dd too and never had to do any of that. Is anyone else being told they have to do all this?
On the plus side I will get a growth scan at 38 weeks to try and estimate baby's weight but I had this with dd and they said she'd be around 8lb 7 and she was 9lb 7 so they aren't exactly accurate at that stage.
I am down as being consultant led with shared care from midwife. In my previous pregnancies I was midwife led with both of them. I am going to discuss all this with the midwife as I would love a homebirth (dh not keen though) or failing that a waterbirth in the hospital but am worried being consultant led means I won't get the birth I want.
I took my antenatal notes to the doctor's yesterday afternoon and had to wait ages for them to sort out a prescription for the Vitamin D as they said they had never heard anyone being prescribed it before during pregnancy. The receptionist ended up having to phone my consultant's secretary to check it was right as she was so surprised.
So will have to do some research into it all and see what's what.
Not feeling great today. Either I have sickness bug or morning sickness has decided to strike with avengence at nearly 14 weeks. I am sooo tired too and think a nap is in order now. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. It's strange as I was only thinking yesterday about how much better I've felt with this pregnancy then I did when I was pregnant with Josh and Ellie. Must have tempted fate!!
Also have been told that for the first 6 weeks after the baby is born I have to have injections to thin the blood. I never had to do this after my other 2 were born!!
And I have to continue taking Folic Acid 5mg and Vitamin D 10mcg daily for the rest of the pregnancy. I never did this with my other 2 either.
Apparantly it is all new 'protocol' but to me it just seems like such a huge waste of NHS resources.
I know I am overweight but I was when I had dd too and never had to do any of that. Is anyone else being told they have to do all this?
On the plus side I will get a growth scan at 38 weeks to try and estimate baby's weight but I had this with dd and they said she'd be around 8lb 7 and she was 9lb 7 so they aren't exactly accurate at that stage.
I am down as being consultant led with shared care from midwife. In my previous pregnancies I was midwife led with both of them. I am going to discuss all this with the midwife as I would love a homebirth (dh not keen though) or failing that a waterbirth in the hospital but am worried being consultant led means I won't get the birth I want.
I took my antenatal notes to the doctor's yesterday afternoon and had to wait ages for them to sort out a prescription for the Vitamin D as they said they had never heard anyone being prescribed it before during pregnancy. The receptionist ended up having to phone my consultant's secretary to check it was right as she was so surprised.
So will have to do some research into it all and see what's what.
Not feeling great today. Either I have sickness bug or morning sickness has decided to strike with avengence at nearly 14 weeks. I am sooo tired too and think a nap is in order now. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. It's strange as I was only thinking yesterday about how much better I've felt with this pregnancy then I did when I was pregnant with Josh and Ellie. Must have tempted fate!!
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Bump pics
13 +2 weeks
I seem to have a huge bump already and am much bigger than I was with Josh and Ellie. I am heavier than I was at this stage in my pregnancies with them too but my stomach although rather like a jelly belly toward the bottom the top half has really come out whilst that was always much flatter.
Here's a couple of bump pics taken today at 13 +2.
I am certain too that I have been able to feel a foot or another part of the baby this last week too. I can't feel the baby kicking yet but I can feel a little tiny lump which when I go to put Ellie's hand on my tummy has disappeared and we find it somewhere else. Ellie especially loves it and is always kissing my tummy. She's so sweet and is going to be a great big sister and Josh will be a great big brother to the new baby too.
Names wise the only names we all agree on at the moment are Toby for a boy and Poppy for a girl. I also like:
Noah, Sebastian, Samuel, Zak, Max, Romeo, Todd, Reuben, Ronan, Oscar, Nathan, Kiefer, Leo, Jasper, Caspar.
Ruby, Maisie, Freya, Daisy, Seraphina, Scarlett, Matilda, Tilly, Gabriella, Athena, Annabelle, Amelia, Keziah (my nan's name).
We will wait and see anyway til after my 20 week scan on 16th September when we hope to find out what we are having then. Can't wait!! I have a consultant appointment on Tuesday morning so will find out hopefully if I had a post-partum haemorrage after Josh was born as I ended up needing a blood transfusion and also after Ellie was born I was severely anaemic so want to try and make sure this time round I can do my best to avoid becoming anaemic. Also I may get extra scans due to Josh and Ellie being big babies. I had late scans with Ellie and they said she'd be 8lb 7 - 9lbs maximum and she was 9lb 7oz.
Right had better go and tidy up so will finish with a picture of the hat and mittens set for a baby girl 0-3 months that I couldn't resist buying in the Next Sale.
I seem to have a huge bump already and am much bigger than I was with Josh and Ellie. I am heavier than I was at this stage in my pregnancies with them too but my stomach although rather like a jelly belly toward the bottom the top half has really come out whilst that was always much flatter.
Here's a couple of bump pics taken today at 13 +2.
I am certain too that I have been able to feel a foot or another part of the baby this last week too. I can't feel the baby kicking yet but I can feel a little tiny lump which when I go to put Ellie's hand on my tummy has disappeared and we find it somewhere else. Ellie especially loves it and is always kissing my tummy. She's so sweet and is going to be a great big sister and Josh will be a great big brother to the new baby too.
Names wise the only names we all agree on at the moment are Toby for a boy and Poppy for a girl. I also like:
Noah, Sebastian, Samuel, Zak, Max, Romeo, Todd, Reuben, Ronan, Oscar, Nathan, Kiefer, Leo, Jasper, Caspar.
Ruby, Maisie, Freya, Daisy, Seraphina, Scarlett, Matilda, Tilly, Gabriella, Athena, Annabelle, Amelia, Keziah (my nan's name).
We will wait and see anyway til after my 20 week scan on 16th September when we hope to find out what we are having then. Can't wait!! I have a consultant appointment on Tuesday morning so will find out hopefully if I had a post-partum haemorrage after Josh was born as I ended up needing a blood transfusion and also after Ellie was born I was severely anaemic so want to try and make sure this time round I can do my best to avoid becoming anaemic. Also I may get extra scans due to Josh and Ellie being big babies. I had late scans with Ellie and they said she'd be 8lb 7 - 9lbs maximum and she was 9lb 7oz.
Right had better go and tidy up so will finish with a picture of the hat and mittens set for a baby girl 0-3 months that I couldn't resist buying in the Next Sale.
Friday, 24 July 2009
Getting my energy back now!!
Sorry I have been so utterly crap at updating this diary. I am determined to try to add at least 3 entries a week from now on. I have been so tired I have been in bed by 9pm most nights.
The last few nights I have managed to stay awake til 10.30pm which feels like quite an acheivement for me. I am not as tired during the day either which is great as it means my house is finally tired again. I have been far too tired earlier on with this pregnancy to do much round the house. Just the basics done to keep things ticking over but I have blitzed the house this week and its looking much better.
I am so happy to finally be in my second trimester and feel I can relax a bit more. I have been much more nervous this time round as I haven't been anything like as sick as I was with my other two which on the one hand I am glad about but on the other hand would have made for a more reassuring first trimester.
I seem to have quite a bump already. Alright I was very overweight to begin with but my jelly belly has gone quite hard and is definitely more bump-like as opposed to just flab lol!!
I am hoping dh remembers to bring the camera home from work tonight so that I can take a bump pic and also take a pic of a gorgeous hat and mittens I bought from Next in the sale for a bargain price of £3 in 0-3 months for a baby girl. We obviously don't know what we are having yet but it was so cute I couldn't resist. I really don't mind whether the baby is a boy or a girl as long as they are healthy. We are so lucky to already have a beautiful son and daughter and are so looking forward to meeting our new baby too.
If he remembers the camera then I will add the pics tomorrow.
The last few nights I have managed to stay awake til 10.30pm which feels like quite an acheivement for me. I am not as tired during the day either which is great as it means my house is finally tired again. I have been far too tired earlier on with this pregnancy to do much round the house. Just the basics done to keep things ticking over but I have blitzed the house this week and its looking much better.
I am so happy to finally be in my second trimester and feel I can relax a bit more. I have been much more nervous this time round as I haven't been anything like as sick as I was with my other two which on the one hand I am glad about but on the other hand would have made for a more reassuring first trimester.
I seem to have quite a bump already. Alright I was very overweight to begin with but my jelly belly has gone quite hard and is definitely more bump-like as opposed to just flab lol!!
I am hoping dh remembers to bring the camera home from work tonight so that I can take a bump pic and also take a pic of a gorgeous hat and mittens I bought from Next in the sale for a bargain price of £3 in 0-3 months for a baby girl. We obviously don't know what we are having yet but it was so cute I couldn't resist. I really don't mind whether the baby is a boy or a girl as long as they are healthy. We are so lucky to already have a beautiful son and daughter and are so looking forward to meeting our new baby too.
If he remembers the camera then I will add the pics tomorrow.
13 weeks pregnant
You are now 13 weeks pregnant (or in your 14th week if that's how you prefer to count it).
The fetus is now nearly 3 inches / 7 to 8 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighs nearly an ounce / 23 grams -- about half a banana. Its unique fingerprints are already in place. And when you poke your stomach gently and she feels it, your baby will start rooting -- that is, act as if she's searching for a nipple.
If you're having a girl, she now has approximately 2 million eggs in her ovaries; she will have only a million by the time she's born. She'll have fewer eggs as she gets older, and by age 17, the number will have dropped to 200,000.
As for you, the fog may be lifting, so to speak. For many women, the side effects of early pregnancy -- frequent urination, intense fatigue, nausea -- diminish sometime in the second trimester. Your uterus, while large enough to announce to onlookers that you're indeed pregnant, isn't so huge that it gets in your way. Even though birth is months away, your breasts may already start making colostrum, the fluid that will feed your baby for the first few days before your milk comes in.
You're officially in your second trimester, the fourth to sixth months of pregnancy. That's great news for two reasons. One, your risk of miscarriage has dropped dramatically, and two, many women see early pregnancy symptoms, such as morning sickness, subside - you may notice a distinct improvement in your libido as the nausea recedes and your energy levels rise.
Friday, 17 July 2009
12 weeks pregnant
You are now 12 weeks pregnant (or in your 13th week if that's how you prefer to count it).
Your baby's face is changing. The eyes, which started out on the sides of his head, have moved closer together and his ears are almost in their normal position. This is when the tissues and organs that have already formed in his body rapidly grow and mature. Your baby's intestines, which start out as a large swelling in the umbilical cord, will begin moving into the abdominal cavity about now.
With luck your nausea will be on the wane and you'll soon be feeling more energetic. You're probably also feeling relieved because your risk of miscarriage has now dropped dramatically. It might seem hard to believe if you're still in the throes of morning sickness, but you'll soon regain your appetite. Just make sure any meat that you eat is thoroughly cooked to reduce any chance of toxoplasmosis - no rare steaks for you and take care at barbecues.
You're entitled to free dental care and free prescriptions until your baby is a year old. Your teeth and gums can be more prone to disease during pregnancy so plan a free dental check-up while you are pregnant; but make sure your dentist knows not to give you an x-ray. You may notice that your gums bleed more now so floss as well as brush. If you are worried or unsure about using over-the-counter remedies talk to your GP, ask your local pharmacist, or call the NHS Direct 24-hour helpline for immediate advice.
You're probably wearing loose clothing, though it's because of your emerging bulge more than any real weight you've gained. You may feel that you need a new style to suit your new figure or a new skin or make-up routine - take a peek at our beauty tips from Bobby Brown. It's a good time to rethink your look. There are plenty of maternity wear ranges to choose from either on the high street or through mail order. One or two good quality basics should see you through most of your pregnancy. For special occasions you can choose from some of the smarter and more sophisticated lines which are thankfully now available.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Back from my scan :)
11 +5 (spot on at scan)
I had my scan this afternoon and after feeling so nervous and worried earlier everything went well.
We have one happy active baby in there measuring spot on for my dates. The Sonographer put Crown to Rump length as 49mm. Placenta is Right Lateral from what it says on my notes. Everything looks fine and I will have my 20 week scan in 9 weeks.
Am so relieved everything was ok. She found the baby really quick and you could see it moving straight away.
Joshua and Ellie came in too and they were like wow!!!! Josh said afterwards he was trying not to cry as he was so happy. Dh gave me a huge kiss and hug once we got outside and we haven't stopped smiling since we got back.
I think it has made it feel much more real now that we are actually going to have a baby!! WooHoo!!!
Will add my two pics.
I had my scan this afternoon and after feeling so nervous and worried earlier everything went well.
We have one happy active baby in there measuring spot on for my dates. The Sonographer put Crown to Rump length as 49mm. Placenta is Right Lateral from what it says on my notes. Everything looks fine and I will have my 20 week scan in 9 weeks.
Am so relieved everything was ok. She found the baby really quick and you could see it moving straight away.
Joshua and Ellie came in too and they were like wow!!!! Josh said afterwards he was trying not to cry as he was so happy. Dh gave me a huge kiss and hug once we got outside and we haven't stopped smiling since we got back.
I think it has made it feel much more real now that we are actually going to have a baby!! WooHoo!!!
Will add my two pics.
It's my Dating Scan This Afternoon
11 +5
I have my dating scan this afternoon and it feels like torture waiting til 4pm for it.
I feel sicker than ever this morning which I suppose is down to nerves. I am really excited about seeing our baby on the scan but am also really worried in case anything's wrong.
The kids are coming too but will leave them in the waiting room until we see the heartbeat.
I just want to get there and know everything is ok now!!
I am 98% certain that everything is ok as I still feel really tired and my boobs ache when I take my bra off and I am still getting nauseous til I eat but there is just a little niggle of what if its not and how would I explain that to the kids. I think as I was so sick with my other two and in and out of hospital on a drip with them and haven't really been properly sick at all this pregnancy I am worrying much more.
I need to get my positive head back on I suppose and start thinking positive.
Will update this evening after the scan with a piccie if everything is ok.
I have my dating scan this afternoon and it feels like torture waiting til 4pm for it.
I feel sicker than ever this morning which I suppose is down to nerves. I am really excited about seeing our baby on the scan but am also really worried in case anything's wrong.
The kids are coming too but will leave them in the waiting room until we see the heartbeat.
I just want to get there and know everything is ok now!!
I am 98% certain that everything is ok as I still feel really tired and my boobs ache when I take my bra off and I am still getting nauseous til I eat but there is just a little niggle of what if its not and how would I explain that to the kids. I think as I was so sick with my other two and in and out of hospital on a drip with them and haven't really been properly sick at all this pregnancy I am worrying much more.
I need to get my positive head back on I suppose and start thinking positive.
Will update this evening after the scan with a piccie if everything is ok.
Friday, 10 July 2009
11 Weeks
You are now eleven weeks pregnant (or in your twelfth week if that's how you prefer to count it).
Your baby is now fully formed, from toothbuds to toenails and measures about the length of your thumb. Her fingers and toes have separated and some of her bones are beginning to harden. Over the next six months your baby's main task will be to grow larger and stronger, fit for survival outside the womb.
You might want to consider a home birth. If your GP is unwilling to attend a home birth, you can arrange midwife care through the supervisor of midwives at your local hospital. Another alternative, which some women see as a halfway house between home and hospital, is to give birth at a birth centre.
One of the most exciting parts of antenatal visits is hearing your baby's rapid heartbeat magnified by the Sonicaid stethoscope many midwives use. The moment can be very dramatic and moving as the room fills with a sound like a galloping horse. Don't be alarmed if your midwife cannot find a heartbeat at this stage (some midwives won't even try to find it this early as they don't want to cause you unnecessary worry) - it should be easier to find at your next appointment. When your midwife does find the heartbeat she will write in your notes FHH which stands for Fetal Heart Heard - use our guide to understanding your maternity notes to help you decipher other abbreviations.
Monday, 6 July 2009
Got my scan date!!
I have just received an appointment for my dating scan. Wednesday 15th July at 4pm. I am so excited!! Vic will be able to come and we are debating whether to take the kids or not. I know that they would love it but will have to find out if its ok for them to come along. Also its a little worry incase there is anything wrong but I am sure everything will be ok.
I know it is really early but I am almost certain I have been feeling tiny movements for the last two days. I am only aware of them when I am lying down but they feel like very tiny kicks.
Lots of ladies on my antenatal club online have felt them too this early on. I always though it was impossible to feel them so early but I suppose as its my third I know what they feel like and you feel them earlier with each pregnancy. Plus my stomach muscles will already be shot to pieces anyway!!
I know it is really early but I am almost certain I have been feeling tiny movements for the last two days. I am only aware of them when I am lying down but they feel like very tiny kicks.
Lots of ladies on my antenatal club online have felt them too this early on. I always though it was impossible to feel them so early but I suppose as its my third I know what they feel like and you feel them earlier with each pregnancy. Plus my stomach muscles will already be shot to pieces anyway!!
Friday, 3 July 2009
10 Weeks Pregnant
You are now ten weeks pregnant (or in your eleventh week if that's how you prefer to count it).
The fetus is only about 1.2 inches / 3 centimetres long from crown to rump and weighs less than a sixth of an ounce / 4 grams. Even so, it's busily swallowing and kicking. Each day more minute details start to appear, such as fingernails and peach-fuzzy hair.
The vital organs -- the liver, kidneys, intestines, brain, and lungs -- are fully formed and functional, while the head is almost half the length of the entire body. The forehead temporarily bulges and sits high on the head, but later will change into a more human-like feature.
If you could take a look at your baby this week, you'd be able to see the clear outline of his spine. Spinal nerves stretch out from the spinal cord.
Your uterus is now the size of a grapefruit. With the help of a Doppler, a hand-held soundwave stethoscope, you can hear the fetus's rapid heartbeat -- one expectant mother likened it to the sound of tiny horses galloping.
You will soon have your booking-in appointment where your blood will be taken for routine tests.
If you want to cut down on caffeine, you could swap to herbal teas. Make sure that the herbal teas you choose are safe to drink in pregnancy. You may find lemon and honey steeped in hot water appealing as an alternative. Try to drink eight glasses of liquid every day (tea, coffee and cola don’t count) but limit your fluid intake before bedtime so you won't have to get up to go to the loo in the night.
If your sleep is disturbed for other reasons then you may be tempted to take a remedy but medication shouldn't be your first course of action during pregnancy. Try our self-help suggestions for insomnia first, and avoid exercising just before you go to bed. Strange dreams are common during pregnancy and could also contribute to disrupted nights.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Had my Midwife Appointment today!!
9 +5
Well I had my first midwife appointment this morning. BP was 100/65 which is low for me as am normally 120/80 but I suppose its probably to do with the heat. It was so hot in her room too!! Urine normal.
The midwife seemed nice enough and we chatted whilst she took my medical history. She gave me a bounty pack too so will nip over to Asda later this week to pick it up and see what goodies are in it.
She asked where I would like to have the baby and I said I was considering a homebirth but my husband is not at all keen on the idea. She suggested I have baby in hospital due to me having big babies and I sort of agreed but if later scans show this baby is not any bigger than Josh and everything goes ok with the pregnancy then I think I will fight for my homebirth as long as I didn't go to far overdue as obviously that gives the baby time to put on more weight. I do have quite straight forward labours and fast too - Josh's was 6 hours start to finish including 2 hours of pushing and I was induced with Ellie which was 4 hours including about 30 seconds of pushing as she literally shot out - well she was a full 1 lb lighter than Josh lol!!
She took my bloods and is sending of a form for me to have a dating scan between 11 and 14 weeks so should be in the next 1-4 weeks. She has also referred me to see the consultant after I've had my scan and has put a ?pph (post partum haemorrage) after I had Josh as I ended up having 2 units of blood after collapsing 4 hours after he was born!!
I have to have a Glucose Tolerance Test at 28 weeks too due to me having big babies. I had this with Ellie and it was ok.
I am seeing the midwife again at 16 weeks and will the blood tests for down syndrome and spina bifida. If it came back high risk we would still carry on with the pregnancy as this baby is already so wanted but we would be able to prepare ourselves to deal with any problems they may have at least.
I have just been reading my antenatal notes and I never realised whilst I was with the midwife but there are quite a few errors in them.
The Midwife asked me my height and weight so told her and she has me down as 124cm height and 266kg weight so I am a dwarf the size of a bus according to that lol!! I am actually 168cm and I am not disclosing my weight but it is obviously absolutely no way in a million years anywhere near that figure lol!!
Also she has put that Josh weighed 7.45 kg when he was born!! I know he was big 10lb 7 (4.75kg) but I don't think even I could manage a baby that big lol!!
It's no wonder she ticked consultant led on my notes!! Will be getting that changed asap!! I was midwife led with Ellie with referals to the consultant for growth scans towards the end but that was all.
One thing that has annoyed me is she ticked the box which asks if this baby was conceived with a new partner and she ticked yes but it isn't. Josh & Ellie are both dh's as is the baby. I am a bit upset about that and will be making sure that's changed!!
I don't know if what she has written on my notes are the same as what she has on her notes as she was rushing to write everything down so it was hard to keep track what she was writing.
Oh well. She seemed very nice and approachable so am sure she will be ok about changing them. I think she must be even dippier than me lol!!
Well I had my first midwife appointment this morning. BP was 100/65 which is low for me as am normally 120/80 but I suppose its probably to do with the heat. It was so hot in her room too!! Urine normal.
The midwife seemed nice enough and we chatted whilst she took my medical history. She gave me a bounty pack too so will nip over to Asda later this week to pick it up and see what goodies are in it.
She asked where I would like to have the baby and I said I was considering a homebirth but my husband is not at all keen on the idea. She suggested I have baby in hospital due to me having big babies and I sort of agreed but if later scans show this baby is not any bigger than Josh and everything goes ok with the pregnancy then I think I will fight for my homebirth as long as I didn't go to far overdue as obviously that gives the baby time to put on more weight. I do have quite straight forward labours and fast too - Josh's was 6 hours start to finish including 2 hours of pushing and I was induced with Ellie which was 4 hours including about 30 seconds of pushing as she literally shot out - well she was a full 1 lb lighter than Josh lol!!
She took my bloods and is sending of a form for me to have a dating scan between 11 and 14 weeks so should be in the next 1-4 weeks. She has also referred me to see the consultant after I've had my scan and has put a ?pph (post partum haemorrage) after I had Josh as I ended up having 2 units of blood after collapsing 4 hours after he was born!!
I have to have a Glucose Tolerance Test at 28 weeks too due to me having big babies. I had this with Ellie and it was ok.
I am seeing the midwife again at 16 weeks and will the blood tests for down syndrome and spina bifida. If it came back high risk we would still carry on with the pregnancy as this baby is already so wanted but we would be able to prepare ourselves to deal with any problems they may have at least.
I have just been reading my antenatal notes and I never realised whilst I was with the midwife but there are quite a few errors in them.
The Midwife asked me my height and weight so told her and she has me down as 124cm height and 266kg weight so I am a dwarf the size of a bus according to that lol!! I am actually 168cm and I am not disclosing my weight but it is obviously absolutely no way in a million years anywhere near that figure lol!!
Also she has put that Josh weighed 7.45 kg when he was born!! I know he was big 10lb 7 (4.75kg) but I don't think even I could manage a baby that big lol!!
It's no wonder she ticked consultant led on my notes!! Will be getting that changed asap!! I was midwife led with Ellie with referals to the consultant for growth scans towards the end but that was all.
One thing that has annoyed me is she ticked the box which asks if this baby was conceived with a new partner and she ticked yes but it isn't. Josh & Ellie are both dh's as is the baby. I am a bit upset about that and will be making sure that's changed!!
I don't know if what she has written on my notes are the same as what she has on her notes as she was rushing to write everything down so it was hard to keep track what she was writing.
Oh well. She seemed very nice and approachable so am sure she will be ok about changing them. I think she must be even dippier than me lol!!
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