Monday, 29 June 2009

Feeling better!!

9 +3

I am feeling so much better today thankfully. I have suffered badly with morning sickness the last few days whilst I was unable to eat so I couldn't stop the nausea and ended up being sick quite a bit. Thankfully managed to drink lots of water so should be ok.

I have my first midwife appointment on Wednesday afternoon so am really looking forward to that. Hope to get a date for my dating scan then too!! I can't wait to see our baby again. I hope they are ok in there!!

Haven't done hardly any housework the last few days as I have felt so lousy. Have managed to change the sheets and stick a load of washing on but am still feeling a bit weak from not eating much so am taking it easy today and will build myself up more as the week goes on!!

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Toothache!! Ouch!!

9 +2

The last 3 days I have felt terrible. I had toothache start overnight on Thursday and combined with being sick and feeling so lethargic and not being able to get a good nights sleep I feel like poo!!

I ended up at the emergency dentist yesterday and ended up having a tooth out near the back and I am still in agony with it now as my gum is sooo sore. I have been taking tons of paracetamol which is not touching the sides and I just don't know what to do anymore.

I have been a completely rubbish mum the last few days and let Ellie have Friday off school as I felt too ill to take her. The kids have been great at looking after me though and I don't know what I'd do without them.

Today they have gone to my parents for the day so I can try and get some rest.

I normally find that eating helps stop me feeling sick but I have hardly eaten anything since Thursday night and I think that could be why I have now started being sick. I am trying to drink plenty of water so I don't get too dehydrated. I am trying to decide whether to phone emergency dentist again and go and see if they can do anything about the pain as I really can't cope with it much longer. It's been 24 hours since I had it out and surely I shouldn't still be in as much pain as I am now.

Will update again when I am feeling a bit better.

Friday, 26 June 2009

9 Weeks

You are now nine weeks pregnant (or in your tenth week if that's how you prefer to count it).

You may find yourself riding pregnancy's emotional roller coaster, feeling moody one day and joyful the next. Disturbing as this is to some women who pride themselves on being in control, what you're going through is normal and will probably continue throughout your pregnancy. Up-and-down emotions are partly caused by raging hormones.

Physically you're unlikely to look pregnant unless this pregnancy isn't your first, but you may feel very tired and sick - not necessarily in the mornings - so cosset yourself. Pregnancy hormones can also play havoc in other ways. Many women suffer from painful headaches and back problems such as sciatica and, unfortunately, these hormones also help make the perfect environment for vaginal thrush.

At week's end, your fetus measures approximately 0.9 inches / 2.3 centimetres long. In both shape and size, it resembles a peapod and weighs less than a tenth of an ounce / 2 grams. The eyelids are fused and won't open until week 27. The wrists are more developed, ankles have formed, and the fingers and toes are clearly visible. Arms are growing longer and bend at the elbows. By week's end, the inner workings of the ears are complete. Though you can't yet identify the sex of the fetus by ultrasound, its genitals have begun to form. By now the placenta has developed enough to support most of the critical job of producing hormones.

You will soon need to make decisions about antenatal screening, and we have a complete guide to antenatal tests. If you're over 35 or have a family history of genetic illness, you may want to consider a chorionic villus sampling (CVS), an antenatal test usually carried out between ten and 12 weeks that screens for birth defects and abnormalities.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Still no sickness!!

8 +1

I have been feeling sick but haven't actually been sick yet which I am quite pleased about. I find that I feel much better once I have had something to eat!!

I am still feeling absolutely exhausted though and have taken to having 2 hours naps almost every day this last week. I didn't have a nap yesterday but was absolutely shattered from going out to town in the morning. I find if I do stuff during the day it just wears me out even more.

Today is dh's birthday and I am just spending the day at home with Ellie doing nothing. It's bliss. Me and Ellie are having a girlie day in. We are going to watch some dvd's this afternoon. Josh went away last night for cub camp and they were sleeping in tents. Unfortunately it absolutely bucketed it down not long after they left so they would have been putting tents up in the rain. Hope he's got on ok. He'll be back at teatime. Then the kids are staying at my parents tonight so me and dh can go out for dinner tonight. Have no idea what I will wear though as all that really fits at the mo is joggers. Will have to try my trousers on later and see how they are. Looking forward to it as its been ages since we went out just the two of us (well technically there is 3 of us lol!!)

8 Weeks

You are now eight weeks pregnant (or in your ninth week if that's how you prefer to count it).

Congratulations - your embryo is now called a fetus, which means "offspring". Your uterus expands to accommodate its new resident, which now measures approximately 0.6 inch / 1.6 centimetres. Many changes take place this week - the embryonic tail is gone, and all organs, muscles, and nerves are beginning to function. The hands now bend at the wrist, and the feet begin to lose their webbed appearance. Eyelids are beginning to cover the eyes.

The baby is now constantly moving and shifting, though you won't be able to feel anything for several weeks. The arms have grown and the hands are now flexed at the wrists and meet over the heart. The legs are lengthening and the feet may be long enough to meet in front of the body. It's still almost impossible to tell whether you're going to have a boy or a girl - although reading old wives' tales for predicting gender can be fun.

Your pregnancy is changing your figure as well. Your breasts may have grown large enough that you'll need bigger bras with better support than your old ones. You may notice your waistline expanding as well, forcing you to pack away your favourite jeans until next year. If you drink plenty of fluoridated water - eight glasses or more a day - you should be getting enough fluoride so calcium and phosphorus will bond well in your baby's developing teeth and bones.

Friday, 12 June 2009

7 Weeks

You are now seven weeks pregnant (or in your eighth week if that's how you prefer to count it).

In theory your baby is still an embryo because it has the remains of a small tail, which will disappear in the next few weeks. But that's the only thing that's getting smaller. The heart and brain are becoming more complicated, the eyelid folds are forming, the tip of the nose is present, and the arms now bend at the elbows and curve slightly over the heart.

You may not look or even feel pregnant, but your uterus is expanding to accommodate your growing baby. Before pregnancy it was the size of a clenched fist; now it's as big as a grapefruit. As it grows you may feel some abdominal cramping and mild twinges.

Now about half an inch / 1.25 centimetres long, the size of a grape, the embryo has distinct, slightly webbed fingers and toes. It's a jumping bean, moving in fits and starts. The liver is churning out large amounts of red blood cells until the bone marrow forms and takes over this role.

The eighth week marks the beginning of a very busy developmental stage. Between now and 20 weeks, your baby will be growing rapidly, and body parts that formed in the first few weeks of life (such as the heart and brain) will become more specialised and complicated. Right now, the teeth and palate are forming, while the ears continue to develop. The fetus' skin is paper thin, and veins are clearly visible.

You're in the throes of the first trimester, when many women complain of common pregnancy aches and pains. Keeping food down may be next to impossible, thanks to morning sickness, caused in part by the pregnancy hormones in your body. You may also need to urinate a lot more often than usual -- your growing uterus is pressing on your bladder, and hormones are affecting the balance of fluid in your body. All will diminish as your pregnancy continues.

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Had my scan!!

6 +6

Went for my scan this morning and everything is fine with himher (baby's nickname as we don't know yet whether it is a him or a her lol!!)

We saw the heartbeat but it was hard to see a lot else. We were only in there a few minutes but am pleased everything is ok.

The yolk sac was measuring 6-7 weeks and I've been told I'll get a dating scan around 12 weeks.

I was really hoping for a photo but the lady said the baby was too small at the moment but I would be able to get one at my next scan.

I feel so relieved that everything was ok in there thankfully. Just wish time would go a bit quicker and we can get to January ok.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Fell this Morning so Scan tomorrow!!

6 +5

I fell this morning as I was getting on the bus to go shopping and landed right on my front. I scraped all below my knee on my right leg and will have lots of bruises there tomorrow. I was so upset I cried in front of everyone.

I was worried about the baby as I had landed so heavily on my front. I ended up at A&E this afternoon as I just could not relax and was anxiously going to the toilet every half hour to check for bleeding. Thankfully there was none but I decided to go up to A&E anyway in the hope I could get an early scan as I had worked myself up into a bit of a state.

I had to wait 2 and a half hours to be seen but the doctor I saw was lovely and told me to try not to worry about it too much as the baby is only small and well protected in my stomach. He said if I did go on to lose the baby then it would not be because of the fall.

I had a blood test done to check my HCG levels (still waiting for the results), Obs and give a urine sample. My sample came back with White Blood Cells in. The doctor said it could indicate an infection and has given me some antibiotics for it.

I have a scan booked for tomorrow at 11.10am. I am hoping for some reassurance that everything is ok with our bubba and then I will feel a lot better.

Fingers crossed everythings ok.

Friday, 5 June 2009

6 Weeks!!

The outside world won't see any sign of the dramatic developments taking place inside you but tiredness and nausea can make you feel low, especially as you may not have told anyone at work that you're pregnant yet. To compensate, offload as much as you can at home and involve your partner in your pregnancy at the same time. Try to prioritise rest and see your GP if sickness is making your life miserable or if you really can't keep anything down. Distraction can help - have a think about the sort of antenatal care and birth you'd like, you do have some choice in the matter - find out more.

You may have thought that disturbed nights start when the baby has arrived, but many women find their sleep is disrupted right from the start of pregnancy. Sometimes the cause is physical - your growing uterus puts pressure on your bladder necessitating trips to the loo throughout the night. Or perhaps sore boobs mean that you can't get comfortable or you wake up in need of a midnight feast.

The embryo is the size of a lentil this week. If you could see inside yourself, you'd find the fetus has an oversized head in proportion to its body. The embryo's facial features are forming with dark spots where the eyes are, openings where the nostrils will be, and pits to mark the ears.

Protruding buds that will become the arms and legs are even more noticeable now. The embryo's hands and feet look like paddles. Other developments include the growth of the pituitary gland and muscle fibres. You can't hear it yet, but the heart (which has divided into the right and left chambers) is beating at about 150 beats a minute -- twice the rate of yours.

Halfway through this week, the embryo makes its first movements. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait until sometime in the second trimester before you get to enjoy feeling your baby's exercise

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Huge boobs!!!

Everything seems to be going well so far pregnancy wise!! I feel sick in the mornings but feel better once I have had something to eat. I am weeing for England at the moment too. Come 4pm I am ready for a nap and sometimes give in and snooze on the sofa othertimes I fight through it and end up in bed at 9pm lol!!

I decided to give in yesterday and go and get measured for a new bra as my boobs were so sore and my other bras were underwired and killing me. I was surprised to discover I have gone from a B/C cup to a DD!!! I could give Pamela Anderson a run for her money now lol!! No wonder they have felt so heavy and sore!!

They are much more comfortable now in the new bras. I think I need to look for one though that is comfy enough to sleep in as that is when they are at their worst!!

I am just so happy to be pregnant!! We have nicknamed the baby 'Himher' lol as obviously it is far too early to say if it is a boy or a girl. I love when dh comes in from work and asks how I am and how's Himher!! Ellie gives me a kiss each morning when she gets up and even kisses my tummy. She is so cute!!

Right had better get on and do some housework. Going to rope the kids in to help me do everyone's bedrooms. They look like a bomb has exploded and need to sort all their clothes out.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Been to doctors this morning.

I finally managed to get in to see my own doctor this morning. He is lovely and was really pleased for us as he knows how long we have been trying. He has said he will arrange an early scan for around 8 - 10 weeks to check everything is ok and is referring me on to the midwifery team.

He told dh to look after me and make sure I get lots of rest and to pamper me lol!! When he put me on clomid in December he told dh to 'make love not babies and the babies will come!!' Lol!!! He is really funny. I just hope everything goes ok now. I was feeling more sick this morning but feel better again now I have eaten. I have been worried by not feeling as sick yet but I could regret saying that again in a week or two if it kicks in like it did for my other 2.

I am having a relaxing day at home today as I feel like I haven't really stopped since getting my bfp. I am waiting for our BT vision box to arrive and hope its easy to set up. Then I can relax in the garden with a cold drink and a good book!! Bliss!!

I am still feeling incredibly tired and my (.Y.) are soooo sore lol!! I think they've grown too so will go to town at the weekend and see if I can get some new bras.